Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Type of Linked List, Singly linked list, Doubly Linked List, Circular Linked List

Type of Linked List:-
           There are three types of linked list:-
·       Singly linked list
·        Doubly linked list
·        Circular linked list
Singly linked list:-
          In This type of linked list, each node contains two fields i.e. data and a link pointing to the next node in the list.

The first node in the list is pointed by a start pointer. The node in the list has a link pointer field containing a Null.

Doubly Linked List:-
           In this type of linked list, each node contains and two links, one link pointing to the previous node and one link pointing to the next node. Doubly linked list can be traversed forward as well as well as backward.

Circular Linked List:-
          Circular linked list are the linked lists which are obtained by linking the last node of the linked list to the first node of the list. In circular linked list, the last node does not contain the NULL pointer. Instead it contains the pointer of the first node.

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