Thursday, 5 April 2012

Structure, Declaration, Declaring Structure Variable

          A variable declared in ‘C’ holds data of one type at one time. Arrays hold a number of data items of the same type. But if we want to process many data items of different types together as a unit, them array is not useful. In order to solve this problem, C provides a data type, called structure which enables us to store and process different data types at the same time.
          Def- A structure is a collection of one or more variables grouped as a unit under a single name for easy processing.
          The construct structure is mainly used to store a “record” that contains different data types.

                             struct name
data_type mem1;
data_type mem2;
data_type mem-n;
          In this declaration, struct is a keyword, ‘name’ is the name that identifies structure of this type and mem1, mem2, mem-n, are individual member declarations.
void main()
struct simple
int num;
char ch;
struct simple ez1;
printf(“\n ez %num= %d,\n”,ez1.num,;

Declaring Structure Variable:-
          After the declaration of structure data type, we may declare one or more variables to be of that type. As in above example ez1 is the variable of type simple.

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