Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Two Dimensional Array, Initializing a two dimensional Array

Two Dimensional Array:-
          A two dimensional array is suitable for processing table. For two dimensional array we use two subscripts enclosed in square brackets. Two dimensional arrays are declared in the same manner as one dimensional array, except that a separate pair of square brackets is required for each additional dimension of the array. To declare a two dimensional array, the first value we specify indicates the number of rows and the second value the number of columns.
          Syntax:-  data_type   array_var  [index]  [index];
          Ex:-    int  x[3][5];
          Is the declaration of an array x which has 3 rows and 5 columns.
                   All arrays, number matter how many dimensions they have, are stored sequentially in memory.

Initializing a two dimensional Array:-
          While initializing a two dimensional array, we should enclosed each row in braces.
          Ex:-    int   magic[5][5]  =  {    {17,24,1,8,15},

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