Saturday, 3 March 2012

Programming Language, Machine Language, Assemble Language, High Level Language, Advantages of High Level Languages

Programming Languages:- 

Language is a medium to give a command to computer to do work according to us. These commands are called instruction.
       In other words-  An instruction is a command given to the computer to perform a certain specified operation on given  to  the  computer to perform a certain specified operation on given data. Further set of instruction make or form a program. A set of programs written for a computer is called software.
          A  computer contains a central processing unit (C.P.U) which interprets each instruction in a program serially, sets up an internal route for flow of data, manipulates data and stores it in the main memory. Basically, a processor is designed to understand a specified set of instruction code in form of binary numbers.
       Each natural language has a systematic method of using the symbols of that language. Similarly, the symbols of a particular computer language must also be used as per the set of rules which are known as the “syntax”.
       Standard form of writing any expression or statement is called syntax.

Language Categories-
            Computer languages can be classified into three categories:-

a.    Machine Language
b.    Assemble Language
c.    High Level Language

a.       Machine   Language:-    

           The set of instruction codes, whether in binary or in decimal notation,which can be
           directly understood the computer without called a machine code or machine language. 
A computer understands information composed of only zeros and ones and hence it uses binary digits for its operation. The computer’s instructions are therefore coded and stored in the memory in form of 0’s and 1’s. The circuitry of a computer is wired in such a way that it immediately recognizes the machine language and converts it into the electrical signals needed to run the computer. An instruction prepared in any machine language has two part  format. The first part is the command or operation, and it tells the computer what function to perform.  The second part of the instruction is the operand.
All computers use binary digits (0,1) for performing internal operations. But machine language is not a very easy language to learn, because it is difficult to read and understand and it is written in a number system with which we are not familiar with.

b.      Assembly Language:-

Programs can be easily written in alphanumeric symbols instead of 0,s and 1’s. Meaningful and easily remember able symbols are selected for this purpose.

For example:-  ADD for addition, SUB for Subtraction,  CMP for Comparison, etc. Such program written in mnemonics is called assembly language program.

c       High Level Language:-

High level language of\r procedure-oriented languages were developed as these languages permits programmers to  describe tasks in a form which is problem oriented rather computer oriented. Besides, he have not need a precise-knowledge of the architecture of the computer  he is using. The  instructions written in a high level language are called statement.

Advantages of High Level Languages:-

1       Machine  Independent:-
High level languages are machine independent. It means that a company changing computers- even to one from a different manes facture- will not be required to rewrite all the programs that it is currently.

2       Easy to learn and use:-
These languages are very similar to English like language used by us. Hence they are very easy to learn and use.

3      Few  Errors:-
The programs written in high level languages are much less prone to errors, since the programmer need not write all the small steps carried out by the computer.

4       Lower Program Preparation Cost:-
Writing programs in high- level languages requires less time and effort which ultimately leads to lower program preparation cost.

5       Better  Documentation:-
A high level language is designed in such a way that its instruction may be written similar to the language of the problem.

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